As a designated Welcoming City through the Welcoming America network, Roanoke will be celebrating “Welcoming Week” from September 14th through September 23rd. According to Welcoming America, “welcoming cities are guided by the principles of inclusion and creating communities that prosper because everyone feels welcome, including immigrants and refugees.”
During this annual week of celebration, our community will bring together refugees, immigrants, and native-born residents to celebrate our diversity and raise awareness of the benefits of welcoming all.
68.5 million people around the world have been forced from their homes due to war, armed conflict, or persecution according to the United Nations. Welcoming Cities, and Welcoming Week, helps to show these people that their new home will embrace them and show them that they belong.
At Family Service, we gladly serve those members of our community who have been displaced from their homes and relocated to the U.S. begin life anew. Through our work with the Health and Wellness Interpreter’s Program, Family Service has been honored to support Refugees and Immigrants from across the globe as they work to overcome past trauma and adjust to life in a new country.
Research shows that processing trauma in the language used at the time of the event can significantly facilitate the healing process by allowing unique access to traumatic memories.
At Family Service, individuals are able to access counseling and advocacy services in their own language through the use of professional interpreters. #RestoringHope should not have language barriers.
If you are interested in participating in Welcoming Week celebrations, you can find the information here: