Finding Hope and Strength Through Counseling

I began my counseling journey in November 2023, after grappling with immense personal challenges.
Following the tragic loss of my stepson to overdose and witnessing my husband’s struggle with grief and
substance abuse, I knew I needed support. Despite initial hesitation and delays, I finally connected with Rachel through my company’s EAP on November 16th, and it was a turning point.

Since starting counseling, my life has transformed in profound ways. I’ve learned to implement the insights gained in sessions, empowering myself to assert boundaries, prioritize self-care, and reclaim joy in my daily life. A particularly toxic situation at work, which had been draining my energy, was effectively resolved with Rachel’s guidance. This newfound strength allowed me to confront the issue head-on, leading to a positive outcome where the toxic influence was removed.

Personally, I’ve also made significant strides. Through counseling, I’ve discovered the power of setting
boundaries, even with close family members, which has liberated me from longstanding obligations and
allowed me to experience a holiday season free from stress and dread for the first time in decades.
Looking ahead, I feel more hopeful than ever about my future. The tools and confidence I’ve gained through counseling have equipped me to face any challenges that come my way. I’ve learned to value my own worth and happiness, enabling me to navigate conflicts and confrontations with resilience and grace.
Rachel, my counselor, has been an invaluable guide on this journey. Her ability to truly understand and support me has been transformative. From laughter to tears, she listens attentively and remembers details from our conversations, making me feel truly heard and validated. She has become a beacon of hope, joy, and positivity in my life, for which I am incredibly grateful.

I firmly believe that everyone can benefit from counseling. The insights I’ve gained and the personal growth I’ve experienced are invaluable. Rachel has been not just a counselor but a partner in my journey toward healing and empowerment.

If you would like to meet Rachel, and our other counselors, please go to our counselor’s page of our website by clicking here.
This testimonial captures the client’s journey from initial struggles to profound personal growth and
empowerment through counseling, emphasizing the transformative impact of therapy and the invaluable support provided by their counselor.

Finding Healing Through EMDR Therapy: Chloe’s Journey to Empowerment

In the world of mental health therapy, there exists a method that transcends traditional talk therapy. It is called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy, and for Chloe Brown, it has been a transformative journey towards healing and empowerment.

For the past two years, Chloe has been under the guidance of Avery Kerr, Ph. D, a dedicated counselor at FSRV. Through EMDR Therapy, Dr. Kerr has helped Chloe navigate the depths of her trauma and emerge stronger on the other side.

“EMDR is pervasive as it fixes the issue beyond what can be logically surmised,” Chloe reflects. “It works…it sticks…I don’t have to try because of the root change. I know that I am different instead of trying to figure out the why.”

The essence of EMDR lies in its ability to reprocess traumatic memories through specific eye movements. It is not just about addressing the surface-level symptoms; it’s about delving deep into the core of one’s being and effecting profound change from within.

Chloe’s experience with EMDR has been nothing short of life changing. “EMDR does not focus on me having a voice…it involves memories and other things that are all incredibly important including my voice,” she shares. “My husband now jokes with me about how he used to be able to get away with stuff! Now I speak up for myself!”

Through the therapeutic journey facilitated by Dr. Kerr, Chloe has reclaimed her voice. She has broken free from the chains of silence and has emerged as a beacon of strength and resilience.

Dr. Kerr, reflecting on Chloe’s journey, shares, “I see her journey as one of integrating all parts of who she is so she can live her ‘true self.’ And identifying and healing limiting beliefs about ourselves moves us forward.”

Chloe’s story is a testament to the power of EMDR Therapy in fostering healing and transformation. It is a reminder that within the depths of our pain lie the seeds of our strength, waiting to blossom into a future filled with hope and possibility.

In the end, Chloe’s journey serves as an inspiration to us all—a reminder that no matter how deep the wounds, there is always a path to healing, and that path begins with the courage to confront our pain and the willingness to embark on the journey towards wholeness.

*Client’s name has been changed to protect their identity.

Annual Report 2022-2023

Family Service of Roanoke Valley supports individuals and families as they journey toward emotional wellness, healthy relationships and a future filled with hope. This document highlights every donation that we received for the fiscal year July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.

We invite you to read through the highlights and outcomes, as well as the feedback from our clients and demographic information. We’ve also included some stories about how our programs make a positive impact in our community.

We want to thank everyone who contributes to our success by supporting us financially or giving us their time! Please click on the graphic below to read the full report!

In the Words of a Former Client:

When someone treats you with kindness, support and understanding, you don’t tend to forget it. Fourteen years ago, the wonderful staff at Family Service helped me through what was then the hardest time of my life. Navigating through territory I had never even considered before, I was gently guided to first take stock, then make a plan, and follow through. There were moments of revelation during which the staff held up a mirror for me to witness who I was and why. Through personalized exercises, I learned more about myself and my path than I ever could have by myself. With family hundreds of miles away from me, finding their services right around the corner meant a lot to me. Having impartial, compassionate support was priceless. I am ever grateful.

Heather Brush, Roanoke, VA

Annual Impact Report 2021-2022

This document is a broad overview of the programs and services that we offer to the Roanoke Valley Community and demonstrates the impact that FSRV has in the areas of counseling, public guardianship, and youth development.

Thank you to everyone who makes our work possible by supporting us financially or by volunteering!

Click on the graphic below to read the full report: 

Ariel’s Story

Ariel is a former client of Family Service of Roanoke Valley who experienced abuse and trauma as a child.  Ariel states that her mother was diagnosed with a serious mental health condition in addition to being a substance user.  Ariel’s father had a challenging childhood and as an adult, was sentenced to serve time in a Federal Prison. 

Ariel and her sister were removed from their home by the Department of Social Services and were placed into a group home in the Roanoke Valley.  While residing in the group home, Ariel received counseling services from Family Service of Roanoke Valley.  She said that if she could speak with her counselors today about her experience, she “would thank them for investing in [her] as a person rather than just as their job,” said Ariel.  She added: “when you invest in people – it’s genuinely a deeper connection…which makes you open up and process things easier…they appreciate you instead of feeling sorry for you…it makes me want to do better and be stronger in the end.”  Ariel also said, “You are able to express yourself at Family Service of Roanoke Valley.  I feel like I am who I am today because of the people who invested in me [there]!”

Note: The name of the former client has been changed to protect their identity.