Starkey comes to Family Service with long history of helping others

Jamie Starkey is a force to be reckoned with.  As the newly hired Project Director for the Health and Wellness Interpreters of Roanoke Valley with Family Service of Roanoke Valley, she is continuing the career she’s built based on serving people who need it most. With her career originally starting in law enforcement, Jamie quickly …

Family Service and West End Center maintain summertime service for youth

Family Service of Roanoke Valley is proud to be a community partner with The West End Center for Youth.  A youth centered community resource proudly serving Roanoke for nearly 40 years. Established in 1979 to provide a safe haven for the youth of the west end and mountain-view communities, the West End Center offers after …

A Literary Escape! The perfect books for kids and teens during Mental Health Awareness Month

As an avid reader, books definitely have a very important place in my life. That place is typically in my hands at 2:00AM, but that’s a story for another time. As part of #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth, we had some of our counselors recommend their favorites for children and teens to enjoy. Look closely, these aren’t your typical …